Monday, 28 February 2011

For i know the plans i have for you...

So today was suppose to be my first day of prac, instead we all sat in the entrance of an aged care facility and waited... and waited... and waited until finally we decided to call our tafe prac manager to find out what is going on. Turns out our onsite manager couldn't be there or whatever so we all got to go home. Goes to show that what ever plans, how ever careful they have been planned out, by who ever planned them it doesn't mean its going to happen. I had in the back of my mind for ages that i wished i could have an extra day off to do homework and it turns out that God gave it to me :)

So remember - you can make what ever plans you want but at the end of the day it is God who decides whether its going to happen or not.
There is this song i know by a country singer that shows this perfectly its about a man who was at a football game and met up with his old sweet heart, he remembered that he use to pray that if He could make that girl his wife he wouldn't ask for anything else, turns out he didn't even like her any more when he caught up with her and he says than that "some of Gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers".
There is also another song that i can't remember what it is or who sings it but it has a saying in there:
"If you want to make God laugh than all you have to do is show Him your plans..."

So in all you do, make sure it is to the honer and glory of Gods name and He will do what is best for you.

see you soon

Friday, 25 February 2011


So, im in the airport after having spent a week in tassie with chan and den and not looking forward to another 4 hours on a plane. i hate planes, especially when i am by myself. i would just like to say thanx to all my friends and fam in tassie for the relaxing and fun time i could have spent there... i'll miss being with amy and zack but hey thats life. i had a really good time getting to know paul (Cassies boy) it was great getting to have a few laughs with him and cass (under the star :))

any way don't know how long this paid internet lasts so better go before it runs out
see you soon

Thursday, 24 February 2011

what have you learnt?

If there is any thing i have learnt this month it would have to be not to take any thing or any one forgranted. As of last thursday there has been 4 people either directly or indirectly connected to me that has pasted.
I believe that this has taught me never to pass up the oportunity to tell some one how much they mean to me, because you never know it could be the last time you get to see them.
Remember those smiles, the touch, the laughs, the smells and never forget them until the next time you see them, for we never the know the day or hour when God will decide it is time for us to go home.

Any way enough with the deep and meaning full, this last week i have been in Tasmania and it also has taught me some thing: Don't take the heat forgranted. :) it has been cold so far compaired to the heat of WA and i can't wait to get back to it (though i will prob regret that as soon as i get back). my little nephew has been sick and grumpy so that also makes me miss the peace and quite back home, though as soon as i get back home i will have one day off and then it will be back to work on monday, prac tuesday and tafe wed than back to work on thursday (yaaay can't wait.....)

but thats all from me just now i have to get to bed before Zack and Amy wake up in the morning...
so see you soon