Sunday, 21 August 2011

40 hour Famine

Hey Guys
Just an update, i realise i haven't written on here for ages but i just haven't had the time (not looking for an excuse or anything :))
But hey, most of you know that i did the 40 Hour Famine this last weekend and as well as giving up food we also gave up a limb. We tried to live life as normally as possible but we realise halfway through sat we just had no energy, none what so ever. This was my 4th year doing it and i have never been so stuffed in my life. This was the first year that we actually went out and did stuff while on the famine. I was on crutches, Cait had an eye patch on and hand bandaged so she couldn't use it, Megan had her arm bandaged and the other girls had their thumbs gone. i think me and Cait had the most difficult ones to deal with. walking around on crutches while on an empty stomach is not cool, its hard work. Now we only had to deal with it for 40 hours but imagine if we had to do it for all our lives?? We worry from day to day about things that don't really matter, but has food ever been a worry?? has drink ever been a worry??

For the first time in all the years that i did the famine did it really hit me, Cait passed out during church on sunday, i was woozy, and everyone was just so hungry that their stomach hurt, now if really need be we could have just gone to the fridge and got food but if it were real we would just have to live with it. At the end of our famine we had food (Pizza) and normal drink, but imagine if it were real. We would get maybe some rice or a piece of bread and thats it, dirty water, things that we take for granted.

We need to thank God for all the blessings that He gives us each and every day of our lives, for with out Him we would all be dead.

In saying that we did have a good time here are some photos of our weekend... that i will put on when i can find my camera :)

till next time :)