Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Observe the Sabbath day....

So, I honestly believe that every thing that happens to us, happens for a reason. You might not see the reason until a few days later or even years later but if we really sit down and think about it, nothing happens 'just because'.
Take this last week for example, i had 4 days off than i worked 8 days on. I really felt inhuman, walking took every single ounce of concentration i had (i'm not kidding, i almost tripped on a, nothing, and it took me like 5 min just to walk from a building to my car that would usually take 30 secs...) , if someone had pushed me i would have fallen over, if someone said boo! to me i would have cried and so on. It was unreal how weird i felt. I fell asleep on my desk at tafe at lunch time, i couldn't carry on with a conversation, i tried real hard but as soon as the person i was talking to said more than 5 words in a row i didn't hear them, i couldn't read my music (i was at band). i'm sure that the last 3 days (as soon as i went over the 6 day limit or work) i couldn't eat properly, and when i did eat it was not healthy, i didn't want to drink anything. Every thing was just out of wack.

So any way to get to the point, i was thinking about it just a few seconds ago and i felt this overwhelming sense of joy, and knowledge that God got it right again! He gave us the right amount of days on and days off so that we might stay 'normal'. He knows our weaknesses and our strengths. And even though there were days in this last week where i didn't have to get out of bed early but could sleep in, the thought of going to work still wore on me, i was like a zombie...

God is Almighty and all knowing. Its humbling, awesome, and joyful  to know that we have such a God looking out for us, every moment of every day. He gave us the Sunday for a reason, not just to go to His house to worship Him but it is a day of well deserved rest from the hard working week. I often took that day for granted but this week has put it in to proportion for me.

Even in the little things, trust God, for nothing is too small or great for Him.

until next time
(enjoy those weekends)


  1. hope you managed to relax and rejuvenate over some days off jemz!! and WOW!! i completely agree that at times it surprises me how well God knows us and our needs and how He amazingly provides for us.... i really love how you've wrote it out ----- maybe you could adapt it for the Contender?? ;)

  2. Mrin i don't think so mate, i don't have time to write, i do this at 11 o'clock at night when i can't sleep... :) but i give u permission to do so :)
