Saturday, 26 March 2011

24 hour music cont..... (well from my point of veiw)

so howz it goin???
heres how we went on the 24 hour music fundraising thingo magigi...
well our group consisted of me (of course), Caitlin, Shimone, and Kayley...
firstly we forgot food so we had to go to an open place (we ended up going to the gull petrol station) and buy lots of coke, coffee and chips to keep us alive and awake...
we than went and did homework... yay.........
heres the proof...
 see how excited we are....

as you can see we didn't move much or do much work, if you can see caits desk she did absolutly nothing.... at about 1am we died a bit and watched movies....

 even my camera was tired....
 i don't think any of us actually remember what we watched....
it was than our turn to dig into the coffee (as you can see shimone doing above) that we snuck in and go to the music room to warm up and start playing (singing)...

 Cait had too much coffee...

 as you can see from above it was hard work trying to find where to plug in the head phones... especially at 4am.... :p
 just waiting for our turn....

we were awsome... i have a video that you can hear our awsome singing...
alright i hope you enjoyed looking and listening at our videos and photos it was a really fun night and after we finished singing we went to lay on the grass and watch the sunrise (which we missed because we fell asleep for those 10 mins...... opps)
see you soon
oh and p.s. we found out how good it is for you to walk backwards at 5am while swinging your arms in a swmining motion and wiggle your hips... it burns the calories... we saw it with our own eyes by 2 of the mums.... :)

Friday, 25 March 2011

24 hour music

hiya all,
its been awhile sinse i been on here, and no i haven't researched the questions i had on my last blog update so that is still to come.
at the moment its me and my sis home alone deciding what we are going to have for dinner before we go to school for our 24 hour music festival :) the band is fundraising for the Tassie tour because it is not funded, so my group of Caits friends have the 4 - 4:30am shift... so that should be fun. we are all singing Phatom of the opera songs and if we still have time we will just sing what ever so hopefully we don't have extra time...
i will be sure to put a video or something on so you can see how stupid we look :)
any way thats all for now
see you soon

Saturday, 19 March 2011

In the beginning...

so i was reading Genesis tonight, and while i was reading i had a thought (and yes to those who are asking yes it does hurt...) any was according what i was reading for my intro the other night, with out the law there is no sin yes?? ah well with out the law we know no sin to put it in a different way. well i was reading Genesis about the fall into sin and i suddenly thought, well God put a law in place to make sure they didn't eat of the tree of good and evil, doesn't that mean that there was sin at the beginning of the world??? help me on this cause it really confused me.

i'll try and rephrase that. ok so at the begining God said to Adam 'don't eat of that tree'. that would be a law? and with out the law we know no sin. so if there was no sin at the beginning of the world than why would God say that? are you getting where i am comming from?? i hope so and i hope some one can clarify that for me...

I also found it very interesting that when God says let us make man in our own image, male and female... hang on i'll quote it word for word... Gen 1:27 "so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them...." But that was before it says that He put Adam to sleep and created Eve, can you see where my question is there?? I have to do some reading up on that so when i find out the answer to my questions i will let you all know.

any way i am writing, or typing rather, in the dark with out the battery of the computer plugged in so i better go.
see you all soon :)

Monday, 14 March 2011


Have you ever been so angry, so frustrated that all the fingers on your hands, all the toes on your feet, every part of your body just aches and wants to punch or hurts someone or something??? Its not the nicest feeling is it? well that was me a few hours ago, it just makes you feel like screaming!!! yelling!!! hurting something and bad... well i got up (real fast,and angry, pushing the table away and all the books falling off - but lets not talk about that...) went to the lounge room, found all my music books and got out my sax and played until my lips hurt and i couldn't get any more notes out and i didn't feel like punching something any more...
It makes me sad to know that there are some people out there that do not have a means of getting rid of their anger and frustration and have to actually go and hurt someone. But it also makes me thankful that i have the gift of music that i can go to to get out my frustrations and anger its great.
so what was i so angry at??? well firstly i had a long 2 days at work where, lets just say i had my patience run thin (and when ur at work you are not allowed to get angry at the residents and you have to keep ur cool) i was pretty close to losing my cool but i kept it together, but just ask mum and caitlin that i came home on sunday night absolutly brain dead, and today i was run pretty close again aswell and than i came home and i looked at my home work and the questions and i thought 'ok thats not too bad at least it tells you where to get the answers from' but lo and behold i looked, and looked, and looked.... and looked oh and i looked for those answers every where in my book where it said it would be, i looked in my other book and than that was it, i snapped and thats where my sax came and saved me from hurting someone...

it just puts it into reality that no matter how hard you try, how many deep breaths u take, how many times you count to ten some times you just need an out let. i remeber when i was a eucalypt camp, it was the wednesday, i had had absolutly no sleep maybe an hour or so, sinse monday, i was doing the dishes, it was 15 min till we were due to leave, my 2 girls that i had weren't ready, the dishes needed to be done, i was getting whining from one side from one of my girls, i was getting 'ur still in ur pyjamas??' from the other side and i was getting where does this go? where do u want this? and on top of that i had been given an extra camper for the day and my one strong should that i could lean on was sick for the day... i was running to my room to get something and i was asked one more questiong and i jsut stood there and screamed and yelled... and MAN it felt good... i lasted the day because of that i recon...

it goes to show that no matter how hard we try we are still human and we need to look after ourselves before we can look after any one else, and we have God to help us with that, i honestly don't know where i would be if i didn't have Him... He is my strength and i lean on Him to help me through...

it reminds me of a saying:
i may not be a perfect christian, some times i get angry, sometimes i talk back to my parents, i don't want to do my work, (and it goes on) but God still loves me xoxoxox

see you soon

Thursday, 10 March 2011


i just wanted to share with you this brilliant video that was posted on you tube by this guy who obviously has too much time on his hands, he ...... just watch it and you'll under stand cause i'm not going to explain it its pretty easy to get :)

its amazing what you can do with technology now days isn't it??
any way i wanted to share with you one other thing that i saw that other day when i was looking for a photo for a b'day pressent for mum that we are getting put on a canvas any way i burst out laughing when i saw it and amazingly this is not digitally changed...

any way thats enough procastination from me so i have to go do some homework now

see you soon

Sunday, 6 March 2011


So today i learnt what it would be like to have a swallowing difficulty, not being able to talk or swallow with out pain and for the first time i wondered what it would be like to have it all the time, having to have thickened drinks and prueed food, not being able to get ur point accross just because it is too much work to talk and you would rather just point or not say any thing at all. Today i have to really thank God for the gifts that He has given me, the gift of talking, eating, swallowing, and being able to do so with out any pain what so ever, Today i have had to put on a brave face where as all the time just wanting to go to bed, i found that i didn't mind, see i look after people who can't do things for themselves, who can't talk or get their point accross so easy, so putting on a brave face today was not a hard thing to do but i reallised that when i got home just how bad i was feeling and thats when i realised what a leason was there for me.
We have to thank God for every thing, in health and sickness, in riches or no, because no matter how bad it gets, no matter how low it goes there is always someone worse off than you. Today i witnessed that first hand and it made me feel stupid for thinking about complaining. (until my drugs wore off...)
any way, sleep time
see you later...

(by the way if i have said things over and over its because i am not really with it... :)