Saturday, 26 March 2011

24 hour music cont..... (well from my point of veiw)

so howz it goin???
heres how we went on the 24 hour music fundraising thingo magigi...
well our group consisted of me (of course), Caitlin, Shimone, and Kayley...
firstly we forgot food so we had to go to an open place (we ended up going to the gull petrol station) and buy lots of coke, coffee and chips to keep us alive and awake...
we than went and did homework... yay.........
heres the proof...
 see how excited we are....

as you can see we didn't move much or do much work, if you can see caits desk she did absolutly nothing.... at about 1am we died a bit and watched movies....

 even my camera was tired....
 i don't think any of us actually remember what we watched....
it was than our turn to dig into the coffee (as you can see shimone doing above) that we snuck in and go to the music room to warm up and start playing (singing)...

 Cait had too much coffee...

 as you can see from above it was hard work trying to find where to plug in the head phones... especially at 4am.... :p
 just waiting for our turn....

we were awsome... i have a video that you can hear our awsome singing...
alright i hope you enjoyed looking and listening at our videos and photos it was a really fun night and after we finished singing we went to lay on the grass and watch the sunrise (which we missed because we fell asleep for those 10 mins...... opps)
see you soon
oh and p.s. we found out how good it is for you to walk backwards at 5am while swinging your arms in a swmining motion and wiggle your hips... it burns the calories... we saw it with our own eyes by 2 of the mums.... :)

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