Sunday, 21 August 2011

40 hour Famine

Hey Guys
Just an update, i realise i haven't written on here for ages but i just haven't had the time (not looking for an excuse or anything :))
But hey, most of you know that i did the 40 Hour Famine this last weekend and as well as giving up food we also gave up a limb. We tried to live life as normally as possible but we realise halfway through sat we just had no energy, none what so ever. This was my 4th year doing it and i have never been so stuffed in my life. This was the first year that we actually went out and did stuff while on the famine. I was on crutches, Cait had an eye patch on and hand bandaged so she couldn't use it, Megan had her arm bandaged and the other girls had their thumbs gone. i think me and Cait had the most difficult ones to deal with. walking around on crutches while on an empty stomach is not cool, its hard work. Now we only had to deal with it for 40 hours but imagine if we had to do it for all our lives?? We worry from day to day about things that don't really matter, but has food ever been a worry?? has drink ever been a worry??

For the first time in all the years that i did the famine did it really hit me, Cait passed out during church on sunday, i was woozy, and everyone was just so hungry that their stomach hurt, now if really need be we could have just gone to the fridge and got food but if it were real we would just have to live with it. At the end of our famine we had food (Pizza) and normal drink, but imagine if it were real. We would get maybe some rice or a piece of bread and thats it, dirty water, things that we take for granted.

We need to thank God for all the blessings that He gives us each and every day of our lives, for with out Him we would all be dead.

In saying that we did have a good time here are some photos of our weekend... that i will put on when i can find my camera :)

till next time :)

Sunday, 31 July 2011


isn't it the most beautiful thing that God could give us? with out water we are nothing, yet water is something that we are never with out...
Have you ever thought about it, really?
Rain, its nothing new, really its just recycled water, water that we (as humans) don't have access to, rain is just water from off the earth, in the sky, and poured out on us. Gods way of saying, I have given you all, I never left you and never will but i will give it to you again... and again... and again...
Really, aren't we like those Isrealites in the desert? complaining and complaining until we get it, and than we complain about what we get. we are never happy, just yesterday i was driving to work in the rain, and as i was driving i was praying, asking God to stop the rain when i get to work so i won't get wet... i mean how dare I? ask God to stop giving His life saving rain, and here i am asking God to stop it?? and when i got to work, sure enough, the rain stopped... never in my life had anything like that ever happened to me.. the rain didn't start again until i got inside...
Just goes to show God really cares... just as God has been pouring out the rain on us, so does He pour out His gifts and love to us, but when the rain stops - God doesn't, His gifts never stop pouring out on us so that in all our life we might have the fruit to show it...

lately i have been stuck for words for what to write on here, and so i haven't, but it seems i just haven't been looking hard enough...

until next time

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Amazing grace

I was watching the movie Amazing grace and saw a music video for Chris Tomlins amazing grace and thought it was worth sharing:
hope you enjoy
till next time

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Observe the Sabbath day....

So, I honestly believe that every thing that happens to us, happens for a reason. You might not see the reason until a few days later or even years later but if we really sit down and think about it, nothing happens 'just because'.
Take this last week for example, i had 4 days off than i worked 8 days on. I really felt inhuman, walking took every single ounce of concentration i had (i'm not kidding, i almost tripped on a, nothing, and it took me like 5 min just to walk from a building to my car that would usually take 30 secs...) , if someone had pushed me i would have fallen over, if someone said boo! to me i would have cried and so on. It was unreal how weird i felt. I fell asleep on my desk at tafe at lunch time, i couldn't carry on with a conversation, i tried real hard but as soon as the person i was talking to said more than 5 words in a row i didn't hear them, i couldn't read my music (i was at band). i'm sure that the last 3 days (as soon as i went over the 6 day limit or work) i couldn't eat properly, and when i did eat it was not healthy, i didn't want to drink anything. Every thing was just out of wack.

So any way to get to the point, i was thinking about it just a few seconds ago and i felt this overwhelming sense of joy, and knowledge that God got it right again! He gave us the right amount of days on and days off so that we might stay 'normal'. He knows our weaknesses and our strengths. And even though there were days in this last week where i didn't have to get out of bed early but could sleep in, the thought of going to work still wore on me, i was like a zombie...

God is Almighty and all knowing. Its humbling, awesome, and joyful  to know that we have such a God looking out for us, every moment of every day. He gave us the Sunday for a reason, not just to go to His house to worship Him but it is a day of well deserved rest from the hard working week. I often took that day for granted but this week has put it in to proportion for me.

Even in the little things, trust God, for nothing is too small or great for Him.

until next time
(enjoy those weekends)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


As i sit here and think of what i could be doing right now at this particular moment there are so many things i could be doing. one of which i really should be doing is going to bed as it is nearly 11 and i have to go to tafe tomorrow. But i take off my dirty glasses, push aside my stray hair and sit here wondering why it is i don't know what i am going to write about until i actually start writing. Maybe its because i think with my fingers. Maybe its because i actually don't have any thing to write about or maybe, just maybe, i am hoping there is something good that suddenly pops up for me to write about while i write my intro to this blog entry. Well only one of them appear to be right at this point of time and it is the 2nd one at the moment.

So maybe i'll just tell you what has been going on in my life....... and let you get bored of reading this before you get to the next sentence. Maybe i'll tell you about what i did to mum today for their anniversary (i bought her a present and wrapped up the empty box and put the present in the cupboard) but not very original. Maybe i'll tell you where not to buy coffee (the aroma cafe in the perth library near the train station) but than you can't figure it out on your own. Maybe i'll tell you that i have been playing my sax so much i can't whistle cause my lips are so raw but that would be putting a downer on any musician who hasn't picked up their instrument in a while and make them re-think doing so.

And suddenly a thought pops into my head. I am completely happy with nothing to write about. My head is empty, nothing important that people have to know about, nothing at all. bliss.... absolute bliss..... and welcome to my world. :) smile, put on some music, and just let your head empty. hear the pounding of the keys on the keyboard, or leave the music off and hear the silence of a house full of people who are asleep... listen to the clock ticking in the background and breath.... isn't it beautiful. imagine every minute of every day to be this peaceful, uninterrupted.... and then the fridge turns on and the silence is gone...

Every day, take a moment to just sit back, relax, pray perhaps, meditate on things gone wrong and then things gone right, just let your mind wonder... it rained today, we need the rain, the rain was good... Just think about whatever pops into your head and write it down... Take time out of your usual routine to de-stress and just enjoy the moment.

Until next time

Sunday, 22 May 2011

dare to be you...

So some of you who knew me years ago would say that i was shy.... (well that was many years ago) i didn't dare to go places where i knew i wouldn't know any body, i hated parties (and that is one of my most hidden secrets and i still hate parties), i hate going into rooms where there is heaps of people even if it is all people that i do know. But i have just done some thing that a few years ago i wouldn't have even bothered to do.... i rang my boss and organised a meeting... i am so proud of myself and yet i still don't know if i acctually dare to go but i have to as it is booked...

The years of working has taught me something that i really still find hard to admitt, i am a people pleaser, i don't really say what is on  my mind when it comes to making a decision or when i see some one doing something wrong, but when i moved places of work i took it as a new beginning, i have stood up for my self, it really took hard work and still sometimes really have to argue in my head about being true to myself. I'll give you an example, they were discussing euthanasia on the news at work and i was like i don't agree, no one has the right to say when they die and when they stay alive, and my work mate was like so ur telling me that if you were termally ill and on your death bed that you would rather suffer than to die, and i said thats exactly what i am saying, it is God who decides when you die and when you stay alive, we do not have the right.... and i was so proud of myself for really showing how i felt on the topic and the other person didn't know where to look but he knew where i stood, a few years ago i would have just not said a word and it really feels good to know that other people know where you stand and that you don't take knocking over... i still find it hard to be true to what i do on the weekends with other people but the other day i had to hand in my sick note and i came in after church to drop it off and my friend was like where have u been and i said church, one little word, and they stood back and i think for the first time really saw who i am not that she didn't know that i go to church and am a christian but i think for the first time it really hit home for her what my life is like and it felt good.

i really encourage other people to be true to themselves, don't hide your life, don't rub it in to other who don't want to know but be true, don't be quiet because it is the same as lying but be true, dare to be you, and you will find that it gets easier as time goes on....

see you soon

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

whats new???

so howz it going everyone?
just thought i would say whats been new since i've spoke on here last....

well its been up and down with work, with (and i have been holding back all the swearing in my head when i think of it) taking us off night shifts. well heres the story, there are 6 of us nurses going through tafe at the moment, me and helen are the only ones that have come from another house to go to charlseworth (the house we are in at the moment) and so we were put on a roster with night shifts, and thats fine, but that was before we knew that the other 4 nurses are not doing them, and before we knew how much homework it was to go through this nursing and even the head of tafe is trying to get rid of the amount of homework we have so its not just us complaining. so we went to the head of nulsen to try and fix, and he is like yeah sure we didn't know that you 2 were the only ones doing nights, thats not fair, i'll make it official. so here we are thinking it was all sorted out only to see my name on nights again so i took it off, i get a phone call today from my 'boss' saying that i have to do it, saying that she spoke to the head of nulsen and he said we had to do them, well how double standard is this?? so i am refusing to do them...

any way thats the one thing of my life that is 'new' but here is another, i have been going to the gym and absolutly loving it, me and cait go 3 times a week to do classes, we do 2 step classes and zumba :) it is fantastic and i feel great after i do it and i feel already that i have been feeling more fit and happy and full of energy all the time :) LOVING IT

oh and band isn't new but still going and loving it.

i don't have any thing else new, i did last night when i was going to write on here but it wouldn't load up for me.

see you soon :)

Friday, 29 April 2011

its been awhile

hey guys (or who ever reads this)
its been a while since i've written on here, i've not had much to talk about on here and i've just been too busy to think about it...
cait showed me something on youtube yesterday that i thought was just hilarious about people with IOS i'll show it to you :)
thats how i have felt for the last few weeks, i really need a holiday hey :)
every one here has just had their 2 week holiday during which we went to albany and stuff and i didn't have my mornings by myself or my days off by myself i need a holiday from my family almost :) but now that life is back to normal i've had my days at home by myself i feel back to my old self again where i could just do what i wanted when i wanted. there was even one day i didn't get out of bed till 12:30 lol.

any way not much else to talk about so i'll just leave you to it :)
see you soon

Thursday, 21 April 2011


as you would have read about my old resident that i use to look after i just thought i would let you know he is doing fine and is out of hospital, with out an arm :( they sent him out of shenton park because they can't rehabilitate him, but he is home and is doing well as far as i know :)

see you soon...

Sunday, 17 April 2011


hey guys
this week has been a big one for me, full of mixed emotions. First there was the high of the family weekend away, it was fun and a real oportunity (that wasn't missed) for us as a family to bond. We spent the first night having dinner together as a family and than going for a spa, than we went to the dutch shop the next day and than some of us went golfing (me included) while some of us stayed behind with the kids and went for a swim. it one of the best weekends i have had in a while.

Than it was back to work, the worst day of work i have ever had, if you read my last blog update you may have realised, but lets just say it was a mix of people being negative and nieve and hormones ;) any way i was the most grumpy and upset i have been in a while.

Than the next day (and here where torn comes into it) at tafe, i found out that one of my old residents was going into surgery to have their arm amputated due to cancer, i was mixed because i don't want them to die but them living with out an arm... i mean its their only  limb that they can use and with out it well its not the same, they can't eat, stand, conduct to their fav music.... so in a way i was hoping (secretly) that they wouldn't make it through the op, but in a way i despreatly hoped they would make it through and be alright.... so the next day at work when i hadn't heard any thing (as i was hearing via via via...) i was so antious that i was just cleaning every thing, i vaccumed the whole house (at work) cleaned the linen cupboard and a bed room... and so on, than my boss is like "is this a welcome back gift or something???" and im like no i clean when i am antious and i told her and she is like no i just checked my email they are doing fine and is out of icu and everything, i didn't know whether to cry or laugh or be happy or be sad, i think i nearly passed out with not knowing not to do.... i think at that moment i was just releaved but for any one out there that doesn't know the feeling you don't know until you are in the possition its tough knowing that someone you love is in surgery to remove a part of their body... some one you looked after and lived their life with... to know that the doctors were just in surgery taking the personallity off their body... but when i heard they made it through... its hard... so thats why i was torn in between happy and sad... i think i just went numb....

And than from being numb to being happy again, me and cait went to Albany to visit Olivia and Cyndi caits friends for the weekend, it was a blast, great fun.

So i have been on a rollercoster this last week... hopefully it will calm down again...but than again, life would be boring without the little bumps in the road...

see you soon :)

Monday, 11 April 2011


If there is one thing that i have had to remind my self constantly today it would be all summed up in this passage:

"If i speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymble. If i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if i have a faith that can move mountains but have not love, i am nothing. if i give all i possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have not love, i gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres.

Love never fails, but where there are prophecies, they will cease, where there are tongues, they will be stilled, where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and prophecy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

When i was a child, i talked like a child, i thought like a child, i reasoned like a child, when i became a man i put all childish things behind me.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, than we shall see face to face. Now i know in part, than i shall know fully, even as i am fully known.

And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, Love.

But the greatest of these three is Love"

Today i learnt that no matter where you are, no matter how old you are, there is always going to be imperfections and if you spend your life looking for them you are going to be misserable and negative. Today i witnessed it first hand what it can do to your life if you spend your time looking for all the bad things in your life and in life around you and it is not a pretty picture.

So just remember that a better picture is going to replace the ruined picture we see in front of us day in and day out and you will learn to live with these imperfections and look forward to what is ahead.

remember to Love one another, no matter how unbearable it can be, just smile and think of the passage above. it doesn't mean that you can be pushed around and you have to listen to the crap that you hear from people and by all means tell them but let that be that and get over it. love one another as God loves us.

see you soon.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

my happy bag...

the other day when i was cleaning my room i found a bag that a friend once gave me, it is called the happy bag. the bag contains:
a marble - incase i seem to lose mine...
an elastic band - to keep things together
a ten cent coin - just so that i always have change with me
a rubber - to erase the mistakes i make
a string - i can't exactly remember what that is for
a soap - so that i smell nice

i just thought that is was a fun thing that i should share with you all :)
see you soon

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

my new pets :D

so i haven't been on here for ages but i have some exciting news!!!!
i bought some CRAZY CRABS!!! 3 of them and they are the coolest little animals ever
its strange you know because they all have their own personallity, firstly theres Romeo, now he/she is the shy one with the most spunk some times he won't even come out of his shell but than there are times when he will run around the tank digging holes and trying to fit through things but can't cause of his shell and you will see why in a min when i put up photos.
than there is Steve, the bully of the tank, he will climb on and push around the other 2 and the other 2 run away, he is also often the most energetic digging holes and tapping on the glass and sleeping in the food bowl....
and last but not least my fav, Marvin... lol... he is the smallest but the funnest to watch, he climbs on the others and hangs upside down from the door frame of the little hut that i bought for them and falling off things is just funny to watch...

i sometimes get one out and let it crawl around on my desk, i took one to caits room this afternoon and watched it crawl back to my room and get lost, its funny how fast they can go... and i think Steve has just lost his battle for dominion in the tank because romeo just pushed him out the way and stood on top so there you go....

any way here are some photos...
                                                      this one is Marvin :)
                                                         this one is Romeo
                                                               and this one is Steve :)
                                                    and they all sleep in the corner together :)
any way see you soon

Saturday, 26 March 2011

24 hour music cont..... (well from my point of veiw)

so howz it goin???
heres how we went on the 24 hour music fundraising thingo magigi...
well our group consisted of me (of course), Caitlin, Shimone, and Kayley...
firstly we forgot food so we had to go to an open place (we ended up going to the gull petrol station) and buy lots of coke, coffee and chips to keep us alive and awake...
we than went and did homework... yay.........
heres the proof...
 see how excited we are....

as you can see we didn't move much or do much work, if you can see caits desk she did absolutly nothing.... at about 1am we died a bit and watched movies....

 even my camera was tired....
 i don't think any of us actually remember what we watched....
it was than our turn to dig into the coffee (as you can see shimone doing above) that we snuck in and go to the music room to warm up and start playing (singing)...

 Cait had too much coffee...

 as you can see from above it was hard work trying to find where to plug in the head phones... especially at 4am.... :p
 just waiting for our turn....

we were awsome... i have a video that you can hear our awsome singing...
alright i hope you enjoyed looking and listening at our videos and photos it was a really fun night and after we finished singing we went to lay on the grass and watch the sunrise (which we missed because we fell asleep for those 10 mins...... opps)
see you soon
oh and p.s. we found out how good it is for you to walk backwards at 5am while swinging your arms in a swmining motion and wiggle your hips... it burns the calories... we saw it with our own eyes by 2 of the mums.... :)

Friday, 25 March 2011

24 hour music

hiya all,
its been awhile sinse i been on here, and no i haven't researched the questions i had on my last blog update so that is still to come.
at the moment its me and my sis home alone deciding what we are going to have for dinner before we go to school for our 24 hour music festival :) the band is fundraising for the Tassie tour because it is not funded, so my group of Caits friends have the 4 - 4:30am shift... so that should be fun. we are all singing Phatom of the opera songs and if we still have time we will just sing what ever so hopefully we don't have extra time...
i will be sure to put a video or something on so you can see how stupid we look :)
any way thats all for now
see you soon

Saturday, 19 March 2011

In the beginning...

so i was reading Genesis tonight, and while i was reading i had a thought (and yes to those who are asking yes it does hurt...) any was according what i was reading for my intro the other night, with out the law there is no sin yes?? ah well with out the law we know no sin to put it in a different way. well i was reading Genesis about the fall into sin and i suddenly thought, well God put a law in place to make sure they didn't eat of the tree of good and evil, doesn't that mean that there was sin at the beginning of the world??? help me on this cause it really confused me.

i'll try and rephrase that. ok so at the begining God said to Adam 'don't eat of that tree'. that would be a law? and with out the law we know no sin. so if there was no sin at the beginning of the world than why would God say that? are you getting where i am comming from?? i hope so and i hope some one can clarify that for me...

I also found it very interesting that when God says let us make man in our own image, male and female... hang on i'll quote it word for word... Gen 1:27 "so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them...." But that was before it says that He put Adam to sleep and created Eve, can you see where my question is there?? I have to do some reading up on that so when i find out the answer to my questions i will let you all know.

any way i am writing, or typing rather, in the dark with out the battery of the computer plugged in so i better go.
see you all soon :)

Monday, 14 March 2011


Have you ever been so angry, so frustrated that all the fingers on your hands, all the toes on your feet, every part of your body just aches and wants to punch or hurts someone or something??? Its not the nicest feeling is it? well that was me a few hours ago, it just makes you feel like screaming!!! yelling!!! hurting something and bad... well i got up (real fast,and angry, pushing the table away and all the books falling off - but lets not talk about that...) went to the lounge room, found all my music books and got out my sax and played until my lips hurt and i couldn't get any more notes out and i didn't feel like punching something any more...
It makes me sad to know that there are some people out there that do not have a means of getting rid of their anger and frustration and have to actually go and hurt someone. But it also makes me thankful that i have the gift of music that i can go to to get out my frustrations and anger its great.
so what was i so angry at??? well firstly i had a long 2 days at work where, lets just say i had my patience run thin (and when ur at work you are not allowed to get angry at the residents and you have to keep ur cool) i was pretty close to losing my cool but i kept it together, but just ask mum and caitlin that i came home on sunday night absolutly brain dead, and today i was run pretty close again aswell and than i came home and i looked at my home work and the questions and i thought 'ok thats not too bad at least it tells you where to get the answers from' but lo and behold i looked, and looked, and looked.... and looked oh and i looked for those answers every where in my book where it said it would be, i looked in my other book and than that was it, i snapped and thats where my sax came and saved me from hurting someone...

it just puts it into reality that no matter how hard you try, how many deep breaths u take, how many times you count to ten some times you just need an out let. i remeber when i was a eucalypt camp, it was the wednesday, i had had absolutly no sleep maybe an hour or so, sinse monday, i was doing the dishes, it was 15 min till we were due to leave, my 2 girls that i had weren't ready, the dishes needed to be done, i was getting whining from one side from one of my girls, i was getting 'ur still in ur pyjamas??' from the other side and i was getting where does this go? where do u want this? and on top of that i had been given an extra camper for the day and my one strong should that i could lean on was sick for the day... i was running to my room to get something and i was asked one more questiong and i jsut stood there and screamed and yelled... and MAN it felt good... i lasted the day because of that i recon...

it goes to show that no matter how hard we try we are still human and we need to look after ourselves before we can look after any one else, and we have God to help us with that, i honestly don't know where i would be if i didn't have Him... He is my strength and i lean on Him to help me through...

it reminds me of a saying:
i may not be a perfect christian, some times i get angry, sometimes i talk back to my parents, i don't want to do my work, (and it goes on) but God still loves me xoxoxox

see you soon

Thursday, 10 March 2011


i just wanted to share with you this brilliant video that was posted on you tube by this guy who obviously has too much time on his hands, he ...... just watch it and you'll under stand cause i'm not going to explain it its pretty easy to get :)

its amazing what you can do with technology now days isn't it??
any way i wanted to share with you one other thing that i saw that other day when i was looking for a photo for a b'day pressent for mum that we are getting put on a canvas any way i burst out laughing when i saw it and amazingly this is not digitally changed...

any way thats enough procastination from me so i have to go do some homework now

see you soon

Sunday, 6 March 2011


So today i learnt what it would be like to have a swallowing difficulty, not being able to talk or swallow with out pain and for the first time i wondered what it would be like to have it all the time, having to have thickened drinks and prueed food, not being able to get ur point accross just because it is too much work to talk and you would rather just point or not say any thing at all. Today i have to really thank God for the gifts that He has given me, the gift of talking, eating, swallowing, and being able to do so with out any pain what so ever, Today i have had to put on a brave face where as all the time just wanting to go to bed, i found that i didn't mind, see i look after people who can't do things for themselves, who can't talk or get their point accross so easy, so putting on a brave face today was not a hard thing to do but i reallised that when i got home just how bad i was feeling and thats when i realised what a leason was there for me.
We have to thank God for every thing, in health and sickness, in riches or no, because no matter how bad it gets, no matter how low it goes there is always someone worse off than you. Today i witnessed that first hand and it made me feel stupid for thinking about complaining. (until my drugs wore off...)
any way, sleep time
see you later...

(by the way if i have said things over and over its because i am not really with it... :)

Monday, 28 February 2011

For i know the plans i have for you...

So today was suppose to be my first day of prac, instead we all sat in the entrance of an aged care facility and waited... and waited... and waited until finally we decided to call our tafe prac manager to find out what is going on. Turns out our onsite manager couldn't be there or whatever so we all got to go home. Goes to show that what ever plans, how ever careful they have been planned out, by who ever planned them it doesn't mean its going to happen. I had in the back of my mind for ages that i wished i could have an extra day off to do homework and it turns out that God gave it to me :)

So remember - you can make what ever plans you want but at the end of the day it is God who decides whether its going to happen or not.
There is this song i know by a country singer that shows this perfectly its about a man who was at a football game and met up with his old sweet heart, he remembered that he use to pray that if He could make that girl his wife he wouldn't ask for anything else, turns out he didn't even like her any more when he caught up with her and he says than that "some of Gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers".
There is also another song that i can't remember what it is or who sings it but it has a saying in there:
"If you want to make God laugh than all you have to do is show Him your plans..."

So in all you do, make sure it is to the honer and glory of Gods name and He will do what is best for you.

see you soon

Friday, 25 February 2011


So, im in the airport after having spent a week in tassie with chan and den and not looking forward to another 4 hours on a plane. i hate planes, especially when i am by myself. i would just like to say thanx to all my friends and fam in tassie for the relaxing and fun time i could have spent there... i'll miss being with amy and zack but hey thats life. i had a really good time getting to know paul (Cassies boy) it was great getting to have a few laughs with him and cass (under the star :))

any way don't know how long this paid internet lasts so better go before it runs out
see you soon

Thursday, 24 February 2011

what have you learnt?

If there is any thing i have learnt this month it would have to be not to take any thing or any one forgranted. As of last thursday there has been 4 people either directly or indirectly connected to me that has pasted.
I believe that this has taught me never to pass up the oportunity to tell some one how much they mean to me, because you never know it could be the last time you get to see them.
Remember those smiles, the touch, the laughs, the smells and never forget them until the next time you see them, for we never the know the day or hour when God will decide it is time for us to go home.

Any way enough with the deep and meaning full, this last week i have been in Tasmania and it also has taught me some thing: Don't take the heat forgranted. :) it has been cold so far compaired to the heat of WA and i can't wait to get back to it (though i will prob regret that as soon as i get back). my little nephew has been sick and grumpy so that also makes me miss the peace and quite back home, though as soon as i get back home i will have one day off and then it will be back to work on monday, prac tuesday and tafe wed than back to work on thursday (yaaay can't wait.....)

but thats all from me just now i have to get to bed before Zack and Amy wake up in the morning...
so see you soon